University / Post Grad / Assistantships
AIR continues to provide semester long “assistantships” for both young adults and high school youth in or outside of university and school programs. Youth assistantships are tailored to youth but are organized in a manner like university level assistantships.
See the information below for an overview. Send an email with information regarding interests to info@artistsimageresource.org for more information.
AIR Assistantships
AIR assistantships are designed to help artists develop and exercise technical and professional skills while serving the needs of the organization and creating a dynamic learning environment in the studio.
There are limited slots for assistantships at AIR and each assistantship demands a 12-week commitment. Work Shifts are scheduled in 4-hour increments MWF from 12 to 4 and 4 to 8 and TTH 12 to 4.
Assistantships require a serious interest in printmaking and some artmaking experience is necessary. Paid Assistantships are possible but demand high skill levels in multiple printmaking processes digital, screenprinting, relief, Intaglio, and lithography.
Benefits: after shift hours, assistants can schedule shop and equipment time with no rental or supply fee, can purchase materials from the studio at studio cost and can also schedule technical assistance and learning tutorials from studio staff at no cost to the assistant. (Scheduling is contingent on studio staff availability.)
Responsibilities: during each work shift each assistant is responsible for completing the tasks articulated by the shift supervisor. These tasks may include but are not limited to organizing workspaces, organizing tools and supplies, reclaiming and coating printing screens, proofing screens, working with project artists, assisting with educational workshops and off-site printing events.
Individuals who are looking to support the organization by volunteering with a less demanding commitment should send a separate email and describe their interest.
Not sure what you need? We can help.
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