Ricardo Ruiz | Hell


Ricardo Ruiz

Screenprint with Hand Painting

20 x 30 inches

*Sales Tax Included

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Ricardo Ruiz

Screenprint with Hand Painting

20 x 30 inches

*Sales Tax Included

Ricardo Ruiz

Screenprint with Hand Painting

20 x 30 inches

*Sales Tax Included


Actual Print:


Resident Artist Project

AIR worked with Ricardo Vicente Jose Ruiz for eighteen months supported via a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts. Ricardo had been developing a lexicon of images and situations related to folkloric evolution of faith healing. The images present disparate scenes of migration and reflection as characters query their place in the universe. The work suggests a nonlinear history of the role immigration plays in occupying lands and locating one's self within the lens of indigenous and minority populations

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Ricardo Ruiz | Negative Creep
Ricardo Ruiz | Who's In Line
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